Monday, April 27, 2009

While we were in Brazil we were able to go to my cousin Rafael's wedding. His bride looked so sweet and they were so happy and in love. Here is a picture of me and my two cousins Lindsay and Patricia, we grow up together.

Leah showing her moves...

Ladies in black! and they say you shouldn't wear black for a wedding.

This is my grandma Ema she is my dad's mom. She is 97 years old and going strong. The only thing she does not remember a lot anymore. Didn't recognized me but was still nice to see her.
vovo and baby Claire

Claire just running to the waves, no fear at all!

This beach is called "Itapoa beach" in Santa Catarina, south of Brazil.
Leah spent all her time playing in the sand. I don't know if she even touched the water, but she still had fun.

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