Saturday, June 26, 2010

My brother and sister-in-law visiting us from Brazil!

In the middle of March my younger brother Israelson and his wife Kristy came to visit us from Brazil. They left their kids with my mom and their other grandma so they could travel around a little bit. I was so excited to have them here, especially because it was the first time they came here to visit me. We had such a fun time with them... Leah and Claire loved their tia and tio, especially because they got extra attention from them.

While they were here I got to show them around Dallas. I took them to the Dallas Aquarium which I think is pretty cool and they liked it a lot.

Here is a leopard just taking a little nap.

Here they are surrounded by sharks.

Here we are at the Dallas Arboretum. I just love going there specially during the spring when all the tulips are out. They had Binny the Bull around. Very cute!

By brother was amazed at how many Texas flags he saw around the city. Go TEXAS!!!

My beautiful Leah. Every time we go to the Arboretum we take a picture with this dear.

Happy brother and happy sister.

Eating out at Leah's favorite restaurant " Olive Garden".

As you can see Claire had some desert, yummy!

I totally look pregnant here, it is the shirt people!

One of Dallas most famous sites, where President Kennedy was assassinated (how sad is that).
Tia Kristy and the girls!

They look so cute and relaxed!

I love this picture!!!

This is our new pet puppy, it is the best dog ever. He is quiet and you don't have to fee him.

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